Monday, August 2, 2010

Why am I so obsessed with fulfilling God's purpose for my life?

In October of 2008, we got one of those phone calls. You know the kind that makes everything in your life change in a matter of seconds. The kind that no one ever wants to get. The phone call that is in the back of your mind all of the time that you try to suppress and say- that happens to other people, but not me. Yeah, it was one of those.

My dad had cancer. To understand how shocking this was, you'd have to know my dad. He was very hyper and healthy. He loved life- and I'm not just saying that bc it sounds good. He LOVED life. He was very active and extremely happy. He was the guy that paid for everyone's dinner if you went out with him. He got sooo excited over little things like making a fresh pot of coffee or eating a peanut butter sandwich that mom made for him. He cried over Disney movies LOL.. seriously he did.

So, without going into too much detail, the next few weeks were a complete nightmare that no one should ever go through OR witness. It was horrific. I never knew that a person could get so ill and still be alive. He was in constant pain, tortured at the hospital for weeks, and could not eat a single thing for weeks. He went from a perfectly healthy (seemingly) 59 year old man to a man that looked like an 80 year-old holocaust victim. About 5 very long months later, he passed away at home. If you've been touched by cancer in your life, you know how bad it can get and I want you to know that, whoever you are, I am truly, truly sorry.

Seven weeks after my dad passed away, we got ANOTHER phone call. My husband's mom had cancer. You can't imagine the blow that this was. We were finally starting to try to get on with life and put the graphic images of dad in the past, when it started all over again. J's mom went through many of the things that my dad did. We went to Hong Kong to visit her and had the most amazing 2 weeks ever. We got so close that she ended up converting from Buddhism to Christianity minutes before her death- which was a complete miracle!!!

So, all of this to say, I learned a valuable lesson. I learned that our time here on Earth is short and there are no promises that we will even see tomorrow. We HAVE TO make today count. We have to reach out to people in need and to the lost. We have to win people to Christ. We can't wait for later to find God's plan for our lives. We have to ask Him what we can do now to serve Him. Maybe He'll tell you to go preach, maybe He'll say to do missionary work or fund missionary work. Maybe He'll say to reach out to people that you work with... Only He knows. But, we have to do something. There are too many hurting people in this world.

1 comment:

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